Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Oxford Cricket Club

Contact: safeguarding@oxfordcricketclub.com

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement

Oxford Cricket Club reflects a diverse set of customs, values and points of view and is fully committed to the principles of equity and equality of opportunity in cricket. The CLUB has adopted and abides by the ECB Anti-Discrimination Code and the ECB Safe Hands Policy to ensure that participants of all ages, backgrounds and abilities are provided with appropriate support and protection.

It is the duty of the CLUB to ensure that its officials, members, and all other individuals working or volunteering for the CLUB, and participating in or watching CLUB activities, are treated fairly and be free from discrimination, harassment, or intimidation.

It is essential that there is equal access and opportunity for all those individuals who wish to participate, and are lawfully eligible to participate, in the CLUB’s activities.

The CLUB benefits from the presence of cricketers from different ethnic backgrounds and it is important that they are treated equally and with equity. The Club has appointed to its Management Committee an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Officer who will oversee the implementation of the policy in all the Club’s activities.

ECB's latest action plan is here.


The EDI Officer will be responsible for engaging with the Club’s community to encourage an inclusive environment which enables people of all backgrounds and abilities to feel valued and able to enjoy the game of cricket.

The EDI Officer is a valuable conduit to enable the opinions and needs of the CLUB Community to inform the Management Committee’s decision making.

The club's EDI officer is Ross Buchanan who can be contacted on email here.


To ensure that the main provisions of the CLUB’s policy is understood and reflected in all its activities, the EDI Officer will be available to offer advice, guidance and education on issues which might previously been difficult to address.

Where unconscious bias may exist, the CLUB through its EDI Officer, will provide appropriate training and guidance to eradicate this as it can be a huge barrier to inclusion of people from all backgrounds.

This policy is to be used in conjunction with the ECB Anti-Discrimination Code and the ECB Disciplinary Regulations. It will be regularly reviewed and updated to include any new ECB guidance. The Club will also ensure it complies with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and take all reasonable steps to ensure that its officials, members and volunteers adhere to these requirements and this policy.


1. It is not acceptable for any member of the CLUB to be discriminated against or be treated in any way less favourably, on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, parental or marital status, pregnancy, religion or belief or sexual orientation.
2. Harassment, bullying, abuse or victimisation of individuals by word or action will not be tolerated. Crude and provocative abuse is not banter when it is intended to belittle, offend, or upset another participant and will be punished when reported.
3. Public comments being made by CLUB officials, players, scorers, umpires or members, whether on websites, social media, written material or public pronouncements, that are disrespectful, provocative or abusive in any way to any other participants of the league on the grounds of their age, gender, disability, race, parental or marital status, pregnancy, religion or belief or sexual orientation will not be tolerated.
4. Captains will be held responsible for making sure their players do not behave in discriminatory or abusive manner and will be liable to punishment under the disciplinary code along with any members of their team who are found guilty of such behaviour.
5. Clubs have a responsibility to ensure their officials, players and supporters do not breach the EDI Code of Conduct and will be charged with bringing the league into disrepute if they fail to take appropriate and decisive action.


I. The CLUB is committed to investigate any complaints brought to its attention of any breaches of this policy and reserves the right to impose such sanction as it considers appropriate and proportionate, where such is found to be the case.
II. Any complaint of discrimination, harassment, bullying, abuse, victimisation or any other breach of this policy on or off the field of play by CLUB officials, players, scorers, umpires or members should be reported by email to safeguarding@oxfordcicketclub.com.
III. Reports should be submitted on the official EDI Report Form which can be found on the CLUB website
IV. If a report is judged to be false or malicious the individual making the complaint may be liable to punishment for Disrepute,


The EDI Officer will study all reports and will decide whether further evidence is required from the involved parties. Once the Officer is satisfied that all the evidence required is available:
In the case of a player or players.
I. Ask the Management Committee to hold a hearing and report their findings.
II. Should the Management Committee not agree on their findings then the following should take effect:
1.The case will be referred to a local League panel for adjudication
2.. The conduct of any panel will be as provided in the appropriate league’s Procedure for Hearings. In the event of the complaint being upheld, the panel will impose sanctions which they consider appropriate.

The relevant policies from which punishments can be applied:

ECB Disciplinary Regulations,
The Club’s Social Media Policy
The league’s Code of Conduct - Disrepute

I. The verdict of the panel will be given verbally to the involved parties after the hearing and confirmed in writing within 48 hours. The defendants will be informed of their right of appeal.
II. Request for an appeal before a non-conflicted panel must be made by email to the EDI Officer within seven days of the conclusion of the hearing.


This policy will be reviewed annually by the CLUB in consultation with the CLUB’s Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Officer, and will include consultation with members of diverse communities and minority groups to ensure the policy remains relevant and realistic to the needs of a multi-cultural cricket club. Guidance and advice from the ECB will be acted upon whenever it is provided to strengthen the provisions of the policy’s over-arching aims.

Adopted: February 2022
Next review: May 2023