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Oxford Cricket Club Discipline Process
Club Documents 4 of 6

4. Oxford Cricket Club Discipline Process


You can download our witness statement form here.

This is to outline the process to deal with on and off field complaints, concerns or incidents.

For the most part, they apply to both youth and adult teams although there are some specific differences when a youth player is involved whether in a youth match or playing for a senior side. (A youth player is someone who is Under 18 on the day of the incident).

It does not deal with injuries/accidents as these are covered in a separate process.

Although not an exhaustive list, in the event of the following then the captain or youth team manager should speak to the umpire(s) as soon as possible and preferably on the field giving details of what happened and who was involved.

Unacceptable levels of sledging/intimidation, abuse, abusive language, references to someone's sexuality or ethnicity.

If the event takes place off the field and whilst the umpires are still at the ground, then the captain or youth team manager should speak to them giving full details of the event.

The captain or youth team manager should ask the umpires to add the details of the event in the match report.

If the umpires have left the ground or the event is not related to the match then the captain or youth team manager should prepare a written summary of the event for the club to follow up.

In all cases, the captain or youth team manager should send a written report to the club secretary as soon as possible after the event. The template form to use is here.

The club secretary will notify the club management committee and contact the relevant league or organising body.

Players, scorers or youth team managers should not directly contact the league or organising body.

Depending on what happened, the club committee may contact the league or opposition club and will be the point of contact for all discipline matters.

If the event involves a player under 18 the umpires must be notified and the club safeguarding officer should be contacted immediately.


OCC Witness Statement
